NATIVE SOUND                            225 W. 78th St.,Apt.7
************                            New York, NY 10024
[TNS]                                   USA



The Native Sound is a small, New York City-based boutique record label whose sole
purpose is to release good music from honest and hard-working musicians on a variety
of high quality, physical and digital formats. The Native Sound is owned and operated
by Julio Anta. march 15, 2017

Start   : 2013
Found   : Julio Anta
Distr.  : US - 
          NE - Sonic Rendezvous
Style   : punk / hardcore / noise pop / folk / dark folk / dream pop / shoegaze
          / ethereal / indie rock / noise / experimental / indie pop / post rock

NATIVE  001     JOHN VANDERSLICE : Song For Clay Miller With, Vitas     7"flx.  08.2013
SINGLES 001     At Wimbledon

        A1      Song For Clay Miller                            3:43
        A2      Vitas At Wimbledon                              1:29

(Note : 7" flexi disc ,  225 translucent green, hand-numbered
                         200 white
                         100 translucent yellow)
NATIVE  002     KOJI                    MATTERS                         CS      11.2013

        A1      Hemlock                                         2:00
        A2      Like We Do                                      2:46
        B1      Placeholders                                    2:22
        B2      Matters (of the Heart and Mind)                 3:15

(Note : cassette , 100 green/50 white/50 navy-blue copies)

7"      Struggletown    STRUG 037       2015    UK
NATIVE  003     MISERABLE               HALLOWEEN DREAM                 7"      02.2014

        A1      Bell Jar
        A2      Orchid
        B1      Spinning
        B2      Halloween Dream
                (Note : 7" , numbered coloured vinyl)
NATIVE  004     DIVINO NINO             POOL JEALOUSY                   LP      04.2014

        1       Lara Jones                                      2:46
        2       Man Of The Sea                                  3:12
        3       Wicked Man                                      5:18
        4       Moonlight Girl                                  3:08
        5       Pink Diamond                                    2:36
        6       Pool Jealousy                                   2:47
                Side 2
        1       Bottle Demon                                    3:42
        2       It's Been Like It Never Used To                 4:53
        3       Initials L.V.                                   4:14
        4       Nadando                                         2:10
        5       I've Seen You Crying                            2:46
        6       Marta                                           3:22
NATIVE  005     GREY ZINE               DESTITUTION                     CS      02.2014

        A1      Repent 	4:21
        A2      Fast Cloud                                      1:06
        A3      Penny Royalty                                   4:16
        A4      Losing Sleep                                    1:52
        B1      Hopesfault                                      3:17
        B2      Bottom Feeder                                   3:57
        B3      Ground Swell                                    1:52
        B4      Destitution                                     3:30
                (Note : cassette , 100 white copies)
NATIVE  006     MOTHER ROOM             SCORCHED                        CS      06.2014

        A1      I                                               2:57
        A2      Debt Collector                                  2:49
        A3      Sin                                             2:41
        A4      Body                                            4:07
        A5      II                                              2:56
        B1      Flood                                           1:55
        B2      Bull Shark                                      3:06
        B3      Whole                                           4:16
        B4      Revelations                                     4:07
        B5      III                                             4:47
                (Note : cassette , 100 red copies)
NATIVE  007     KING WOMAN              DOVE                            CS      06.2014

        1       Dove                                            15:04
        2       Fond Affections                                 7:06
NATIVE  008     VOW                     MAKE ME YOURS                   12"       .2014

        A1      Miles Between
        A2      Planks
        A3      Charm
        A4      Palm
        A5      Escapist
        B1      Juniper House (Anne Remix)
        B2      2012 (Quixotism Remix)
        B3      Charm (Maxm0 Remix)
NATIVE  009     UNCONDITIONAL ARMS/THREADING : SPLIT                    7"      02.2015

        A1      Threading               Fume                    3:21
        A2      Threading               Ember                   4:13
        B1      Unconditional Arms      Haunt                   6:39
                (Note : 7"/33.3 RPM , 200 black/100 clear copies)
NATIVE  010     PLANNING FOR BURIAL/MOTHER ROOM : SPLIT                 7"      07.2015

        A       Planning for Burial     When We Were Ghosts
        B       Mother Room             Arise
                (Note : 7"/33.3 RPM , 200 black/100 coke bottle clear copies)
NATIVE  011     FORMER GHOSTS/FUNERAL ADVANTAGE : SPLIT                 7"      04.2015

        A1      Former Ghosts           Last Hour's Bow
        A2      Former Ghosts           Past Selves
        B1      Funeral Advantage       Wedding
        B2      Funeral Advantage       I Know Him
                (Note : 7"/33.3 RPM , 200 black/100 transl.-red copies)
NATIVE  012     FUNERAL ADVANTAGE       NOT IN MY HOUSE                 7"flx.  02.2015

        1       Not In My House                                 3:31
        2       That's That                                     02:09
                (Note : 7" flexi disc , 250 hand-numb. copies)
NATIVE  013     MISERABLE               HALLOWEEN DREAM (DEMOS)         CS      09.2015

        A1      Bell Jar (Demo)                                 1:52
        A2      Orchid (Demo)                                   3:05
        A3      Spinning (Demo)                                 3:04
        B1      Halloween Dream (Demo)                          3:22
        B2      Palmistry Notes                                 3:03
                (Note : cassette , 100 grey copies)
NATIVE  014     JOHN VANDERSLICE        MIDNIGHT BLUE                   7.flx.  05.2015

        A1      Midnight Blue                                   3:33
        B1      Long Dark                                       5:19
                (Note : 7" flexi disc, nimb. transl.-blue vinyl)
NATIVE  015     FUNERAL ADVANTAGE       BODY IS DEAD                    LP      08.2015
NATIVE  015     FUNERAL ADVANTAGE       BODY IS DEAD                    10MP3   08.2015

        A1      Equine                                          4:20
        A2      Sisters                                         3:57
        A3      Should Have Just                                3:08
        A4      Gardensong                                      3:06
        A5      Back To Sleep                                   4:07
        A6      That's That                                     2:07
        B1      Cemetery Kiss                                   3:20
        B2      Then I'll Look                                  3:24
        B3      You Sat Alone                                   5:03
        B4      Body Is Dead                                    10:34
NATIVE  016     FUNERAL ADVANTAGE       BODY IS DEAD (DEMOS)            8MP3    09.2015

        1       Equine (Demo)                                   4:18
        2       Sisters (Demo)                                  3:41
        3       Should Have Just (Demo)                         3:02
        4       Gardensong (Demo)                               2:58
        5       Cemetery Kiss (Demo)                            3:14
        6       You Sat Alone (Demo)                            4:57
        7       Not In My House (Demo)                          3:26
        8       I Know Him (Demo)                               2:41
NATIVE  017     LOST FILM               IMAGO                           CS      08.2015

        A1      Dissipate                                       2:28
        A2      Something's Missing                             3:10
        A3      Try                                             3:11
        A4      OK, Lost                                        3:20
        A5      I Taught You                                    2:56
        B1      Houses                                          2:29
        B2      (A)part                                         3:39
        B3      100 Nights                                      2:33
        B4      Try (Reprise)                                   2:56
        B5      Our Town                                        4:07
                (Note : cassette , 100 golden-yellow copies)
NATIVE  018     THREADING               YOU ARE NEVER ENOUGH            CS      09.2015
NATIVE  018     THREADING               YOU ARE NEVER ENOUGH            5DL     09.2015

A.      1       Wander                                          2:20
        2       Never                                           3:36
        3       Porcelain                                       4:47
        4       Candy Ghost                                     4:03
        5       A Rose                                          7:31
                (Note : cassette, 1-sided , 100 white copies)
NATIVE  019     MOTHER ROOM/TEAL        SPLIT                           CS      12.2015

        A1      Mother Room             Dam                     4:46
        A2      Mother Room             Ergot                   5:04
        B1      Teal                    The Morning Pt. 1       4:31
        B2      Teal                    The Morning Pt. 2       2:27
                (Note : cassette , 80 grey/20 transl. blue-grey copies)
NATIVE  020     UNCONDITIONAL ARMS      LIVE AT SANTO                   8MP3    10.2015

        1       Television On The Weekends (Live)               12:18
        2       As The Fog Lifts (Live)                         4:34
        3       Conscious Whirr (Live)                          5:51
        4       First Look (Live)                               5:56
        5       The Family Tree (Live)                          5:01
        6       No Nerves (Live)                                8:09
        7       Son, Daughter, Daughter (Live)                  5:22
        8       Haunt (Live)                                    6:35
NATIVE  021     NEW MANNERS             GIVE ME YOUR BONES              CDEP    11.2015

        1       So Nice                                         4:07
        2       Window                                          3:13
        3       Workweek                                        2:47
        4       Do Better                                       3:39
        5       On & On                                         3:28
        6       Give Me Your Bones                              3:35
NATIVE  022     SHEER                   UNEASY                          CS      11.2015

        A1      Monochrome                                      5:33
        A2      Ojai                                            3:03
        A3      Bored To Death                                  3:09
        A4      Mask                                            3:51
        A5      Cursed Again                                    3:16
        B1      Orion                                           4:20
        B2      Skin                                            4:06
        B3      Yesterday's Weather                             3:50
        B4      Waste Away                                      4:16
        B5      Heavenly                                        4:44
        B6      Uneasy                                          3:58
NATIVE  023     FVNERALS                THE LIGHT                       CS      01.2016

        A1      Oath
        A2      Vakna
        A3      Aryd
        A4      Shine
        B1      Tiga
        B2      Closer
        B3      The Light (Part I)
        B4      The Light (Part II)

LP      Throne          TR 54           2015    SP
LP      Eerie Echoes    EE 04           2015    UK
NATIVE  024     LOST FILM               TEMPORARY EP                    4MP3    01.2016

        1       Temporary                                       4:00
        2       Assurance                                       3:35
        3       Still Youth                                     3:03
        4       Closer                                          3:00
NATIVE  025     DIVINO NINO             THE SHADY SEXYFORNIA TAPES      CS      05.2016

        A1      Tell Me                                         3:13
        A2      Time                                            3:26
        A3      Le Bon Gripper                                  2:23
        A4      Uruguay                                         4:04
        A5      Londres F.M.                                    2:11
        A6      Haunted Moon                                    1:32
        A7      Violet Legs                                     1:56
        A8      Shady Sexyfornia                                2:01
        B1      Negro de Amor                                   2:12
        B2      Hold                                            2:31
        B3      Mima Hidaka                                     2:13
        B4      Pluma de Fe                                     1:31
        B5      Sweet Mable Spark                               1:46
        B6      Tired                                           2:23
        B7      Te Doy La Paz                                   3:16
        B8      Betty, The Palmer St. Bitch                     4:52
                (Note : cassette , 100 blue/50 pink copies)
NATIVE  026     VOW                     KIND EYES                       LP      05.2016

        A1      Naive Love                                      3:12
        A2      Withdraw                                        3:21
        A3      October                                         3:55
        A4      Lowest                                          3:27
        A5      Green Light                                     4:23
        B1      In Another                                      3:18
        B2      Glow                                            3:39
        B3      Over And Over                                   3:57
        B4      Faint                                           3:19
        B5      Blue Bird                                       4:18
                (Note : LP , 200 black/100 opaque-maroon copies)
NATIVE  027     PLASTIC FLOWERS         HEAVENLY                        LP      04.2016

        A1      Stay Home                                       1:36
        A2      Mary (Del)                                      2:48
        A3      Angel Town                                      2:44
        A4      Another Day                                     2:48
        A5      Something Is Missing                            2:03
        A6      Diver                                           3:02
        B1      Lucy                                            3:20
        B2      She Fades                                       3:14
        B3      Portal to Nowhere                               1:36
        B4      Silence Again                                   3:06
        B5      Nite Time                                       4:08
NATIVE  028     MISERABLE               UNCONTOLLABLE                   LP      05.2017

        A1      Uncontrollable
        A2      Oven
        A3      Stay Cold
        A4      Violet
        A5      Stranger
        B1      Salt Water
        B2      Endless
        B3      Best Friend
        B4      Saudade

Press info:     350     black
                200     opaque-pink
                150     transl.-blue

Kristina Esfandiari is Miserable. Based in the Bay Area and the vocalist in King
Woman, Kristina writes and performs a brand of moving and evocative music that oozes
with nostalgia ? and the forthcoming Uncontrollable LP is no different.
NATIVE  029     O.C.D.                  GROWTH EP                       CS      07.2016

        A1      All The Things I Know
        A2      Best Friend
        A3      I Don't Despise You
        B1      Awake
        B2      Fall
        B3      Somehow
                (Note : cassette , 80 green/20 pink copies)

Based in Oakland, O.C.D. are a band that bends genres. Fusing elements of bossa nova
and latin jazz with indie rock, and an all encompassing spirit of DIY punk, the five
piece is in the midst of releasing their debut EP, titled “Growth”. Over the course
of six tracks, the band rips through songs of love, failed relationships, and the
shedding of skin. Aptly titled, “Growth” is an EP about change. Growing into something
different from what you thought you would, or were expected to. It’s a curious place
for a band to start, but one that feels right for O.C.D. 
NATIVE  030     DROWSE                  MEMORY BED                      CS      08.2016
NATIVE  030     DROWSE                  MEMORY BED                      DL      08.2016

A.      1       Break
        2       Memory
B.      3       i
                (Note : cassette , 50 clear/50 transl.-blue-grey copies)

Drowse is the work of Portland, OR artist Kyle Bates.
NATIVE  031     FVNERALS                WOUNDS                          12"     10.2016

        A1      Void                                            2:23
        A2      Wounds                                          6:00
        A3      Shiver                                          5:23
        A4      Teeth                                           5:53
        B1      Crown                                           7:21
        B2      Antlers                                         4:02
        B3      Where                                           8:38

12"     Golden Antenna  GOLDEN 039      2016    GE
NATIVE  032     DIVINO NINO             DON'T LET IT DIE                DL        .2016

        1       Don't Let It Die (Hurricane Smith cover)

Based in Chicago with roots in Latin America, Divino Nino is a band known for their
dreamy, psych-inspired pop. On their sophomore LP The Shady Sexyfornia Tapes, the
Chicago band experimented with washed out reverb, dynamic vocal ranges, and lush
soundscapes to create a truly unique 16 track album.

Now, they follow that LP with their new single "Don't Let it Die", a cover of Hurricane
Smith's 1971 song. Originally written for John Lennon, Smith who engineered all of the
Beatles' EMI studio recordings until 1965 decided to take the song for himself.
NATIVE  033     NO SUN                  IF ONLY                         LP      01.2017

        1       Honey Chain                                     3:26
        2       Drown in You                                    4:26
        3       Warm                                            6:23
        4       Cerulean                                        2:12
        5       It's Happening Again                            4:14
        6       Leave Me Behind                                 4:47
        7       Lunar Dream                                     2:23
        8       Ache                                            5:44
        9       Ichigo Ichie                                    7:14

Since their formation just a couple of years ago, Salt Lake City?s No Sun have been
quietly crafting loud, confident, and modern shoegaze. Originally a solo project for
singer/ guitarist Jordon Strang to experiment with, No Sun has since grown into a
nuanced and voluminous four piece. 100 copies on pink vinyl
NATIVE  34      FUNERAL ADVANTAGE       PLEASE HELP ME                  12"     05.2017
NATIVE  34      FUNERAL ADVANTAGE       PLEASE HELP ME                  6MP3    05.2017

A.      1       Please Help Me                                  3:35
        2       CEOT7K                                          3:00
        3       The Hanging Cage                                3:55
B.      4       Shining                                         3:20
        5       We Lost Our Home                                4:16
        6       Lakewood Mausoleum                              4:54
                (Note : 12" , 300 black/200 red copies)
NATIVE  35      SHEER                   PSYCHIC QUARRY                  LP      05.2017
                (Note : LP , 200 copies on milky-clear vinyl)
NATIVE  35      SHEER                   PSYCHIC QUARRY                  LP      05.2017
                (Note : Lp , 100 copies on black in coke bottle-clear vinyl)

        1       Room
        2       Enfold Me
        3       To Love and Feel Alive
        4       Shut It Off
        5       Euphony
        6       Stutter

A year and a half since the release of their debut album, and two member changes
later, Sheer are back. With their new EP, Psychic Quarry, Sheer embrace a change
that finds the band at their most relaxed and inspired. While their debut LP Uneasy
introduced the band as one with a kinship for dreamy, reverb-induced soundscapes,
Psychic Quarry is a much more catchy, and indie rock-informed affair. The six songs
on Psychic Quarry cover a lot of ground - feelings of anxiety and depression, the
vulnerability of intimacy, and even the post-election shock many of found ourselves
coping with.
NATIVE  036     NO SUN                  NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF             DL      02.2017

        1       Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Salt Lake City’s No Sun have been quietly crafting loud, confident, and modern
shoegaze. Originally a solo project for singer/ guitarist Jordon Strang to experiment
with, No Sun has since grown into a nuanced and voluminous four piece.
NATIVE  037     LUKE REED               WON'T BE THERE                  CS      12.2017
NATIVE  037     LUKE REED               WON'T BE THERE                  DL      03.2017

        1       Won't Be There
        2       Sudden
        3       Lose
        4       Permanent Holiday
        5       Watching TV
        6       General Health
        7       All My Life
        8       Pathetic
        9       I Need You
        10      You Don't Need Me
        11      Look Away
        12      Walk Away From Me
        13      Honest With Myself
        14      Just Want To Hold You
        15      Sarah
        16      Your Face

In the corner of his small bedroom in Somerville, Massachusetts, Luke Reed of Bent
Shapes and Mini Dresses spends most nights quietly writing and recording solo material
ranging from quiet and deliberate meditations, to summery jangle pop. Over the years,
Luke has amassed a prolific collection of lonely and disenchanted pop songs, seldom
On March 24th, The Native Sound will be re-releasing Luke Reed’s debut LP ‘Won’t Be
There’. Quietly self-released on Bandcamp last summer with no promotion, or even
album art, 'Won't Be There' is a set of 16 lo-fi indie rock songs. The first 13 were
including on the original album, while the final three (“Just Want To Hold You”,
“Sarah”, “Your Face”) are new additions.
NATIVE  038     SURF ROCK IS DEAD       WE HAVE NO FRIENDS?             LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , 800 copies on white vinyl)
NATIVE  038     SURF ROCK IS DEAD       WE HAVE NO FRIENDS?             LP      10.2017
                (Note : 500 copies on coke bottle clear vinyl)
NATIVE  038     SURF ROCK IS DEAD       WE HAVE NO FRIENDS?             LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , 400 copies on light-blue vinyl)
NATIVE  038     SURF ROCK IS DEAD       WE HAVE NO FRIENDS?             LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , 100 copies on milky clear with red sptaller
NATIVE  038     SURF ROCK IS DEAD       WE HAVE NO FRIENDS?             DL      10.2017

        1       In Between
        2       As If
        3       Everything They Said
        4       White Salsa
        5       Fitting The Mold
        6       Anymore
        7       Zen A
        8       Late Risers
        9       Never Be the Same

Hailing from Chicago and Melbourne, Australia respectively, Kevin Pariso and Joel
Witenberg together make up the Brooklyn duo, Surf Rock is Dead. Embodying the
beachiness of their namesake's genre through a new wave filter, the band have spent
the last two years crafting an infectious brand of dream-pop in the vein of Diiv,
Day Wave, and Beach Fossils.
NATIVE  040     PETITE LEAGUE           RIPS ONE INTO THE NIGHT         LP      09.2017
                (Note : LP , 450 copies on translucent-red vinyl)
NATIVE  040     PETITE LEAGUE           RIPS ONE INTO THE NIGHT         LP      09.2017
                (Note : LP , 300 copies on rainbow splatter)
NATIVE  040     PETITE LEAGUE           RIPS ONE INTO THE NIGHT         LP      09.2017
                (Note : LP , 100 copies on black in blue vinyl)

        1       Sun Dogs
        2       Shin Bruise
        3       Pulling Teeth
        4       Pocketknife
        5       Reclusa
        6       Devil's Boy
        7       Nothing
        8       Spanish Lemonade
        9       Trash Blossoms
        10      Ghost 1998

Upon arriving in Syracuse after growing up in Brussels, Belgium as an American expat,
Lorenzo Gillis Cook was introduced to the fast paced, lo-fi sound of the American house
show scene. Though he had been making music for years under the name Spark Alaska and
a multitude of high school bands, the franticness and earnest expression being put on
display in these upstate basements and attics was infectious.

In late 2014, Cook brought the first Petite League demo of friend and drummer Henry
Schoonmaker, and the rest is history. Since then, the two have recorded two albums
(Slugger and No Hitter), garnered press from Pitchfork, the Fader, Noisey, etc. ,
co-founded the notable Syracuse DIY venue Scarier Dome, and now reside in Ridgewood,
Queens post-graduation.

This bring us to present day, and the band’s the third record, Rips One Into the
Night. Blending the sweet, bubblegum qualities of bedroom pop and the snot nosed fuzz
of garage rock, Rips One Into the Night is Petite League fully-formed. Coming in at
10 tracks, Rips One Into the Night will be released on September 1st by The Native
Sound and the band’s own Scarier Dome label.
NATIVE  041     NEAUX                   CHAIN UP THE SUN                LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , 350 ultra-clear copies)
NATIVE  041     NEAUX                   CHAIN UP THE SUN                LP      10.2017
                (Note : 150 half white-half pink copies)
NATIVE  041     NEAUX                   CHAIN UP THE SUN                DL      10.2017

        1       Whistlegirl
        2       Stuck Like A...
        3       LUV
        4       Ugly Angel
        5       Fake Flowers
        6       Cling
        7       Laughing Hyenas
        8       Die, Cry and Try
        9       Take Your Time (Wasting All of Mine)

Just a year since the release of their debut LP, Neaux return with their sophomore
album, ‘Chain Up the Sun’. Featuring Sierra Kay (Versa Emerge), and Nick Fit (formerly
of Trash Talk), Neaux exist at the intersection of shoegaze and grunge. While
atmospheric and dreamy at times, with subtle nods to Slowdive and the Swirlies, the
harsher elements of 'Chain Up the Sun' are much clearer. Influenced by the likes of
Sebadoh, Mudhoney, and Sonic Youth, Nick's noisy guitars, paired with Sierra's
powerful vocals coalesce for an raw and aggressively vulnerable whirlwind of a record.
NATIVE  042     PLASTIC FLOWERS         ABSENT FOREVER                  LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , 400 light-blue copies)
NATIVE  042     PLASTIC FLOWERS         ABSENT FOREVER                  LP      10.2017
                (Note : Lp , 100 purple in milky clear copies)
NATIVE  042     PLASTIC FLOWERS         ABSENT FOREVER                  DL      10.2017

        1       Absent Forever
        2       How Can I
        3       Seventeen
        4       Falling Off
        5       Dalliance
        6       Half Life
        7       So Long
        8       Where Are You
        9       January 2017
        10      NN

Absent Forever is the newest album from London-based producer Plastic Flowers - his
third full-length LP and the second for The Native Sound after Heavenly. Plastic
Flowers formed vaguely around 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece and play a noisy version
of Dream Pop filed under Shoegaze, Ambient and Indie. Much like his previous releases
on labels such as Crash Symbols, Inner Ear Records or Bad Panda, this new album
artfully slips intelligence and experimentation into a dying art form.

NATIVE  044     JUNE PASTEL             WITHOUT A PHRASE                DL      02.2018

        1       Without A Phrase

Conceived in Salt Lake City, and realized in Baltimore, June Pastel is the work of
Anthony Pena. A Venezuelan-American whose music stretches through the intersections
of indie, pop, jazz, and chamber music, June Pastel sits at the rare transitory space
only available through processes of growth and motion.
NATIVE  044     JUNE PASTEL             COLLAGES                        CS      06.2018
                (Note : ed. of 100 clear cassettes)
NATIVE  044     JUNE PASTEL             COLLAGES                        DL      06.2018

        1.      Extrano
        2.      Into a Spell
        3.      All to Come
        4.      En La Vida
        5.      Stuck
        6.      Without a Phrase
        7.      Embrace
        8.      Hope of the Valley
        9.      Haze Cloud

Conceived in Salt Lake City, and realized in Baltimore, June Pastel is the work of
Anthony Pena. A Venezuelan-American whose music stretches through the intersections
of indie, pop, jazz, and chamber music, June Pastel sits at the rare transitory space
only available through processes of growth and motion.

On the band’s album 'Collages,' Anthony explores the kind of smooth and dreamy indie
rock that brings to mind Wild Nothing, and Craft Spells, with a little bit of jazz
weaved in for good measure. It’s the perfect primer for not just the band, but the
album to come.

Set for release June 29th, 'Collages' finds Anthony amassing an eclectic group of
musicians with roots that stretch beyond the confines of genre. Each of these worlds
builds the collaged moment-to-moment vocabulary within the June Pastel universe.
For Pena, June Pastel is all about community: his songs are bases upon which his
musical collaborators may find their own expression, around which relationships may
form. June Pastel is a first—and important—step by Pena away from solo work, and
into the communal ecology of creating with others.

Written and recorded - Anthony Pena
Mixed - Andrew Goldring at Soundcave Productions
Mastered - Phillip Shaw Bova
Artwork - Aaron Lowell Denton
Collage - B.D. Graft

Sound Contributions by :
Josh Broussard (Clarinet), Sean Campbell (Saxophone), Drew Daris (Flute), Louna
Dekkar-Vargas (Flute), Sam Dugo (Bass), Andrew Goldring (Drums), Lonnie Jordan (Harp),
Marcie Kolacki (Cello), Troy Long (Keys and Saxophone), Christina Manceor (Percussion),
Sarah Manley (Trombone), Mateen Milan (Bassoon), Matt Morison (Drums), Mari Takeda









NATIVEPP  001   VOW                     WITHDRAW                        7"        .2016
                (Note : 7", lathe cut, 1-sided, numbered)
NATIVEPP  002   KOJI                    KEEPINK COUNT                   7"        .2016
                (Note : 7", lathe cut, 1-sided, numbered, 148 copies)
NATIVEPP  003   LOST FILM               SILVER KEYS                     7"        .2016
                (Note : 7", lathe cut, 1-sided, numbered, 44 copies)
NATIVEPP  004   GRAVE SCHOOL            EUGENE, OR                      7"        .2016
                (Note : 7", lathe cut, 1-sided, numbered, 53 copies)
NATIVEPP  005   PLANNING FOR BURIAL     AS A LOVER                      7"        .2016
                (Note : 7", lathe cut, 1-sided, numbered, 70 copies)
NATIVEPP  006   SHEER                   ROOM                            7"      07.2016
                (Note : 7", lathe cut, 1-sided, numbered, 32 copies)
NATIVEPP  008   PLASTIC FLOWERS         FALLING OFF                     7"        .2016

        A       Falling Off                                     3:48
                (Note : 7"/33.3 rpm, lathe cut, 1-sided, numbered)
NATIVERE  001   KOJI                    SOME SMALL WAY                  12"     07.2014

        A1      Eating Lemons                                   3:09
        A2      Waking Up                                       3:37
        A3      Stay                                            3:28
        A4      Windows (Live)                                  3:13
        A5      Color Quiet Loud                                3:49

(Note : 12" , 1-sided , 250 transl.-blue/150 ultra-clear/100 black copies)

        A1      Confusion Boats                                 3:42
        A2      Speed Lab                                       3:28
        A3      Bill Gates Must Die                             3:43
        A4      Ambition                                        3:25
        A5      Josie Anderson                                  2:21
        B1      Interlude                                       2:26
        B2      Big Band Stars                                  4:15
        B3      Gruesome Details                                2:11
        B4      And What Did You Do Today                       1:57
        B5      Foothills Of My Mind                            3:52
        B6      Mass Suicide Occult Figurines                   2:27

CD      Barsuk          BARK 14         2000    US
NATIVERE  003   KOJI                    SPRING SONG VOL.1               LP      01.2017

        A1      Eating Lemons                                   3:23
        A2      Monsters Stay                                   3:50
        A3      Most Of Everything                              2:47
        A4      Color Quiet Loud                                3:32
        A5      Like We Do                                      2:52
        B1      To The Dogs                                     3:00
        B2      Little Bird                                     3:31
        B3      Minute 7                                        2:35
        B4      Wagon Wheel                                     4:16
        B5      Spring Song                                     4:14
                (Note : LP , 200 transl.-green/100 half green-black copies)
NATIVERE  004   PETITE LEAGUE           NO HITTER                       LP      05.2018

        1       Annie
        2       Zookeeper
        3       No Hitter
        4       Tylenol
        5       Raspberry Seeds
        6       The Voicemail
        7       Down That Road
        8       French New York
        9       Hiccups
        10      I Met You Before
        11      Guetta
                (Note : LP , 300 red/150 half milky clear-half peach vinyl)